Posts tagged ‘Hawaii’

December 17, 2011

The Honolulu Marathon Recap

This was a wonderful experience. Given the opportunity, I would do it all over again. And I would run behind this guy…


Like many other marathoners, part of my pre-race ritual includes reading race reviews. Sadly none of my go-to bloggers had done this race so I had to rely on the regular Internet…UGH. The results were not pretty. Major complaints included too many runners, organizers catered to Japanese runners more than Americans, and too much highway! And that’s only naming a few.

Thank goodness I’m as stubborn as an ox (my mom showed me the test results…this is a proven fact). I just have to experience things for myself. And after I saw the starting line…then the fireworks…IT WAS A WRAP


Those reviews were bogus. There were lots of people running and more than enough room for all of us. There were English/Japanese translations for everything. That was never an issue. And the scenery was beautiful. You’re running in Hawaii!!! Enjoy it!

I started with a pretty even steady pace…I was happy with that. Singing Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes out loud and taking it all in.


Them came the spill…it was an unfortunate accident. Someone stopped short in front of me and to avoid killing her I dove left and my knee made contact with the concrete…HARD. That was at mile 15 and every move was painful after that.

I was moving much slower, trying to incorporate a walk-some/run-some technique, but I couldn’t mask the pain. Then the water came…that rain was good and bad all at the same time. It was refreshing, but it brought a pretty wicked head wind.


The important thing is that I made it…and I was happy. It took 6 hours and 55 minutes, but boy was I happy. So we’re the two young ladies that finished alongside me that burst into tears. It was just THAT AMAZING!!

And then I went surfing…


…ok, I went to a bar to watch football, but in my head I was surfing.

Great race! Great island!

Signing off…ETT! =)

December 14, 2011

No More Running…

…at least not until New Years Day! Ok, I’m crazy for thinking this… but even though I can barely walk today (two days after the Honolulu Marathon) I’m already planning my next race. 18 days from now I plan on running in the new year at Central Park. What can I say!?! I’m born & raced in NY.

The Honolulu Marathon is complete… It was beautiful, painful, long, eventful, and AH-MAZE-ING. 70 years after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, it was awesome to see the Japanese turn out for this event. Kama’aina & Malihini… we all ran together. Much aloha to Honolulu for hosting us and Japanese Airlines for sponsoring us and the Hawaiian people for being so hospitable.


November 22, 2011

To Run or Not To Run!?!

… that was the question. It’s already been answered though… Honolulu Marathon, here I come!

While planning a winter vacation to somewhere sunny, I searched fervently for local race information stumbled across a nice little gem. I may be a weirdo, but to me it seemed only right that the Honolulu Marathon was going to take place smack dab in the middle of my island hopping extravaganza. I am most certainly going to hop my silly behind over to the starting line and get my run on. This is what vacations are all about… no?

What? You don’t run a 26.2-mile race when you go on vacation? Ok ok ok… I’m crazy for doing this, but I just can’t imagine when I would spend this much money just to compete in a race. I’ll have ample time to enjoy the islands as I taper my workouts. Right!?!

Speaking of workouts… it didn’t help that I decided to do this so close to race day. I mean, I’ve been running… but not with a real goal in mind. So I had to ramp up the efforts… I threw together a 25-day plan chock full o’ tempo runs, speed & strength work, along with some long runs. I’m six days into and although there is some familiar race preparation aching, my legs feel strong… and I’m psyched!

Trust me… you would be excited too… just imagine watching the sun rise over Diamond Head or running along Waikiki Beach! I’m giddy with excitement. I don’t, however, know how I feel about this scavenger hunt at the end of the race for my finisher’s medal and race shirt… but I think I can deal. It’ll be a new adventure… good or bad, I love adventure!

My goal is to try and catch up to ole Nicky Nick here and get his autograph...

Annnnnnddddd if nothing else, it’ll make for some wicked oceanside bikini pics… YEEEEEAAAAAAA BOYYYYYYYYY


Signing Off… ETT =)